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The Unmatched Approach To Teaching and Learning Maths

The Thinking Tools Home Page The Thinking Tools specialist Teacher Courses Afrikaans English Learner courses Afrikaanse skool leerders English school learners Deaf students/Dowe studente Tertiary students Tersiêre studente Books Blog Contact us The Thinking Tools Home Page The Thinking Tools specialist…

Vermoed jy dat jou kind disleksie het?

Vermoed jy dat jou kind disleksie het?  By Thinking Tools het ons navorsing gedoen en ‘n deeglike begrip ontwikkel oor hoe ons ons suksesse kan bereik, selfs met klein tree wat ons gee.  Inspirerende Woorde van Einstein Ek het by…

Colour coding as a study method is a falsity

The concept of colour coding as a study method has been widely misunderstood. The brain doesn’t function in isolated compartments; rather, it operates in interconnected and integrated ways, seeking relationships, analogies, and causal links between concepts. Encouraging students to rely…

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