Thinking Tools Development and Study Technique Program for Grade 4 to 12 Learners

Help Your Child Reach Their Full Potential Without Academic Stress

Invest In The Development Of Your Child's Thinking Capabilities


We understand the academic pressure children are under and therefore invest in the development of your child's cognitive abilities.

Our approach is based on the insight that the brain can not only learn to remember better but also to think better


In addition to four live math extra classes via Zoom per month plus access to previous recorded classes, we offer daily homework assistance in all subjects, including math, in a WhatsApp group.

The Brain's Inborn Tools

The Thinking Tools study technique is based on the brain's innate Thinking Tools. These brain tools enable students to classify information in all subjects into its logical categories, enabling learners to determine cause and effect, compare, sequence and discover patterns. 

Because the Thinking Tools approach to learning is synchronised with the brain's natural wiring to learn, students learn faster and remember the work for longer periods of time.

This is because newly gained insights are stored in the long-term memory as neural pathways.

Thinking Tools follows a learner-centred approach to learning meaning, we gained the insight to attend to individual learners in a class. In this way the needs of individual learners are attended to.

The cost of a thinking Tools course is R165 per month per learner per grade. Learners are empowered to use their inborn Thinking Tools in all subjects including languages.

Learn more about the Thinking Tools Approach to Maths >>

The Thinking Tools eCourses in English

We endeavour to cover all grades in English and for this purpose need English learners (and parents) who are doing good at school to participate in the online recording of the Grade 4, 5 and 6 Thinking Tools eCourses.

Grade 4 learner course
Grade 5 learner course
Grade 6 learner course

Grade 7 learner course

Register to for a free maths extra class.


Thinking Tools

maths extra class

Grade 8

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Grade 8 learner course

Register to for a free maths extra class.


Thinking Tools

maths extra class

Grade 8

Click below to register for a free maths extra class

Grade 9 learner course

Register to for a free maths extra class.


Thinking Tools

maths extra class

Grade 8

Click below to register for a free maths extra class

Grade 10 learner course

Register to for a free maths extra class.


Thinking Tools

maths extra class

Grade 8

Click below to register for a free maths extra class

Grade 11 learner course

Register to for a free maths extra class.


Thinking Tools

maths extra class

Grade 8

Click below to register for a free maths extra class

Grade 12 learner course

Register to for a free maths extra class.


Thinking Tools

maths extra class

Grade 8

Click below to register for a free maths extra class

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