The brain development specialist

I established a teaching ecosystem to empower learners to become emotional and socially intelligent, develop as self-regulated critical thinkers that results in improved academic achievements and lifelong learning.

My motto is to liberate learners from rote learning and enable them to become critical thinkers and knowledge creators. I continuously asking the following questions:

"What do we know?", "What does it mean to say that we know something?", "What makes justified beliefs justified?", and "How do we know that we know?".

Many years of research led to the discovery of the existence of the brain's inborn Thinking Tools. This happened by observing and analysing ways in which the brain creates knowledge, gains insight, solve problems. This led to unraveling how the tools are configured to network in interactive holistic ways to establish new neural pathways through iterative network-based thinking processes which are guided by the 'mothership of all thinking'. This resulted in covert thinking processes becoming visible overt processes which made self-regulated learning a reality.

This, together with the insight that knowledge cannot be transferred from the teacher's brain to students' brains gave rise to the Flipped Teaching approach which gives Vygotsky's scaffolding its rightful place in education. The Thinking Tools philosophy is based on Jean Piaget constructivist approach to teaching and learning.

Flipped Teaching which is the key to 4IR learning. With traditional teaching the teacher's brain is in high key and the students' brains are in idle or no key. With Flipped Teaching the learners' brains are in high key and the teacher's brain is in low key.

The discovery of the existence of the chronosensor was a major step. The chronosensor is the brain's internal clock-related sensing to grasp the phenomenon of time and space. This discovery had a major impact on understanding the challenges reading time (analogue and digital), discovering of patterns in languages, science and maths.

Discovering the tapestry analogy in maths was another major step to demystify recipes and algorithms without understanding the real maths. The neatly set out recipes relate more home economics than to maths. This led to the unmatched approach towards maths teaching and learning.

Dr Cas Olivier

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