More information on the course for high school teachers teaching all subjects except maths

What to expect from the course

You can expect that your learners will work harder, and you will work less.

Your classroom management and discipline will improve because the Thinking Tools approach is founded on good relationships, guidance and bonding with learners.


Your learners’ marks will increase, and they will become more motivated to learn.

NOTHING in this course relates to how you were trained as a teacher. EACH of the topics is exciting new and you can expect a number of paradigm shifts.

Within the first session you will learn why your current teaching practices are not bearing fruit as you expected and why your teaching dreams did not come true.

You will discover that the brain has innate Thinking Tools and how to empower your learners to use them in mastering your subject. This will enable them to classify themes

into logical categories, determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, discover sequences and patterns.

You will empower learners to become knowledge creators instead of being knowledge consumers.

Your teaching style will immediately change because you will know how to keep your learners' attention.

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