How to participate in a Grade RR to 3 learn to think and doing maths the Thinking Tools way course for moms/teachers

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for teachers who want to make a paradigm shift.

Share this with your colleagues who you know are energetic, have a passion for teaching, are committed and also want to make a paradigm shift.

There are 6 seats for the following grades:

Two Grade 1, two Grade 2 and two Grade 3 committed teachers for 5 x 3-hour sessions – one session per week.

There will be one session per week. Times available are week evenings 18:00 to 21:00, Saturdays and public holidays.

I will set up a WhatsApp group for each group of teachers where we set dates and time that suits everyone in the group.


Each teacher needs to have a stable internet, a laptop with camera for Zoom and a silent background. (no barking dogs)

The course will be recorded, and each teacher needs to sign a consent letter.

The course is for free. WhatsApp me immediately 0832592857

You will earn 40 CPTD points.

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