How to participate in developing a Thinking Tools course for teachers

Transform Your Teaching Approach with Thinking Tools Courses!

Calling All Teachers: This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for teachers who want to make a paradigm shift.

Are you ready to revolutionize your teaching style and truly impact your students' lives? Join us in the groundbreaking Thinking Tools course recording sessions and unlock the potential to become an exceptionally effective educator. This is the course content.

Thinking Tools courses are not bound by any specific curriculum, making them universally applicable to teachers worldwide. By embracing this innovative approach, you can elevate your engagement with learners through Flipped Teaching, empowering them to take charge of their own learning journey.

Discover the power of Thinking Tools, tap into your students' hidden learning talents, and witness remarkable improvements in knowledge retention, problem-solving skills, and overall academic performance.

By participating in these courses, you'll not only earn 30 CPTD points and a Certificate but also equip yourself with invaluable tools to foster critical thinking, social skills, and emotional intelligence in your students.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to enhance your teaching skills and make a lasting difference in the lives of your students.

Contact us today to be part of this educational revolution with Thinking Tools!

WhatsApp Cas Olivier at 0832592857 to embark on this transformative journey. Let's shape the future of education together!

How The Course Is Structured

The course consists of 6 x 3-hour sessions.

There are 6 FREE seats each for the following phases and grades:

Intermediate (Grades 4 to 7) all subjects excluding maths.

Intermediate (Grades 4 to 7) for maths teachers

High school teachers all subjects excluding maths. (Two of the 6 seats are reserved for language teachers)

High school grades 8 to 12 maths teachers. (Three seats for grade 11 and 12 teachers and three seats for grade 8 to 10 teachers.)

High school maths literacy teachers.

 There will be one session per week for 6 weeks.

How To Participate for FREE

For smooth online teaching, teachers will need reliable internet, laptops with webcams for Zoom, and a quiet workspace.

The course will be recorded, hosted on the Marvelous Minds Platform and promoted to help others! To join the team, you'll need to sign a consent form.

We'll set dates and logistics in a convenient WhatsApp group.

All you have to do is show up to get FREE access to the course!

What will you benefit as a teacher?

  1. Your engagement with learners will change to Flipped Teaching. Flipped teaching is different from the flipped classroom which is old school.
  2. With Flipped Teaching learners are doing the explaining work which is based on the unique Thinking Tools approach.
  3. The success of this approach is based on learners' inborn Thinking Tools which are hidden learning talents that are managed by the brain's inborn Mothership of all Thinking.
  4. The Mothership of all Thinking is driving critical thinking which enables learners to discover knowledge themselves, gain insight and solve problems as expected as per the set curriculum.
  5. When Thinking Tools teachers empower their learners to manage their thinking, learners are enabled to repackage information in ways that facilitate the development of new neural pathways in the brain,
  6. Once neural pathways are established the related information and supportive patterns are cemented into the long-term memory which can be retrieved without tedious revision and memorization.
  7. This results in improved marks supported by developing social skills and improved Emotional Intelligence.
  8. This again results in improved classroom management and discipline.
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