Thinking Tools Study Technique Courses for Grades 4 to 12 Learners

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Although the course material for all grades has already been developed, we still need English learners and parents/caregivers to assist in the live recording of courses in certain grades. Participants in the recording can access the course for FREE.

  • Does your child study hard but does not achieve success? Then it is clear that your child is not using the best techniques as the brain is wired to learn and achieve success.

  • Did you already enrolled for a memorization or study method course and your child still not performing well? It is clear that the brain is not wired for memorization. Did you know that memorization is not a life skill? No job description requires memorization.

  • Can your child discover and process subject matter information in a textbook independently? Self-discovery and figure-out skills are life skills that can only be learned through a Thinking Tools course.

  • These courses guarantee that your child's grades will improve because all our courses are evidence-based and subject to Continuous Program Evaluation (PERT).
  • If your child does not achieve better grades over a period of 3 months, your course fees will be refunded double, provided there is proof of using Thinking Tools.
  • We keep on developing your child's full potential up to the end of grade 12 at the same price at which you enrolled.
Grade 4 Learner Course

Thinking Tools Courses 4
Grade 5 Learner Course

Thinking Tools Courses 5
Grade 6 Learner Course

Thinking Tools Courses 6
Grade 7
R165 per month
Grade 7
Grade 8
R165 per month
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 9 Thinking Tools Course Invitation
Grade 10
R165 per month
Grade 10 Thinking Tools Course
Grade 11
Grade 11 Thinking Tools Course Invitation
Grade 12
Grade 12 Thinking Tools Course Invitation
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