Power of the Brain’s Microchip
The Power of the Brain’s Microchip

This 1948 computer wiring represents a bygone era of problem-solving and computational labor, long before the microchip revolutionized technology by condensing complexity into a small, powerful processor.

Similarly, traditional teaching methods mirror this outdated approach, where teachers manually "connect the wires" of knowledge for students. Thinking Tools, however, tap into the brain’s inborn "microchip" of learning, offering a streamlined, efficient framework that empowers students to take charge of their own learning.

Using meta-strategic thinking, inner speech, and mirror neurons, Thinking Tools transform students into active learners, much like how the microchip revolutionized computing.

Do you still want to use 1948 technology?

Did you know the brain's Mothership of all Thinking and a computer's microchip have more in common than generally understood?
Did you know that we are already at the Fourth Education Revolution?
Did you know that both the brain's hardware and software is upgradable?

This the relation between innerspeech and mirror neurons represents a point of no return in education—where traditional methods can no longer meet the demands of a brain-based, student-centered learning approach.

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