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Colour coding as a study method is a falsity

The concept of colour coding as a study method has been widely misunderstood. The brain doesn’t function in isolated compartments; rather, it operates in interconnected and integrated ways, seeking relationships, analogies, and causal links between concepts. Encouraging students to rely…

Self-directed learning

Self-directed learning can never be content, or curriculum driven. Self-directed learning is brain or thinking driven. When a student says: “I am going to study biology – specifically the circularly system.”, it spells out motivation, not self-directed learning. When the…

The brain’s chronosensor

The Thinking Tools teacher course is the only program in the world attending to the role of the chronosensor. We are born with a chronosensor (chrono means time) in the brain, which is responsible for gathering chronological and sequencing data,…

Mathematics is like an embroidery

Like an embroidery, mathematics has a front and a back end. The completed sum is the front of the embroidery. This is the showing off part of the embroidery. This is the end teachers think they can explain to learners.…

How fair is this?

Traditional teaching promotes the idea of making summaries. Making summaries means making information less and less. This means during learning the brain is trained to reduce information. Assessment to the contrary expects from students to expand information to obtain more…

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